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Monthly Archives: May 2016

Big Game Project Week Eight

The last week of production is upon us, this weekend Gotland Game Conferance finally happens and the game will be displayed on the show floor.

Before I talk about this week I must mention what I forgot to write about last week.

The air animations for Hoppy and Sticky has been changed so that they more closely resemble slimes in their movement.

I had to work around the fact that I did not rig them to actually be able to do this, it was an afterthough from the Lead Designer. But I think it worked out pretty good.


This week I had to redo some of the animator because the work has disappeared for some reason when I pushed it up to the team using SourceTree. But it went very fast this time.


Then I made some graphics for menus and such. Here are some examples.


Also the trailer was finished this week thou I did not work on it

Please give it a look



Next off to Gotland Game Conferance!

Big Game Project Week Seven

Time to get my work to actually work in the game engine. I have never used the animator of Unity earlier so I had to spend some time learning how it works. I also had to ask for code specific for what I am doing, parameters that I can use to control the animations within the animation controller.


Hoppy Animator

I started with Hoppy to lay down the basic movement animations idle, walk, jump and double jump since all characters share these states. After working out some bugs I find the result more satisfying than I initially thought.

Sticky Animator

Next up is Sticky

Glidey Animator

And to finish things off Glidey. I found that the work went more smoothly the more I did it so fixing Glidey took half the time of Sticky and Sticky took half the time that Hoppy took.

After tweaking and testing I think I have managed to make it work without it feeling akward or weird.



But I have one bug that I can not work out. During specific conditions the animations get stuck in the “up in the air” animation. The character never clamps to the ground and for some reason the Y-axis ends up at -30 and thus the animation state never changes to “land”. I will leave this in because it does not happen to often and will not impact the experience, I hope…


















Big Game Project Week Six

So this week the team decided on the final name for the game: Adventures In Space And Slime. This is the logo made by your truly.




Began with a rough sketch, blocking out ideas.




Updated version that is a bit more fleshed out. We wanted slime in the logo.



adventures logo

After recieving feedback this is what I ended up with.

Welcome Adventures In Space And Slime!





Big Game Project Week Five

After rigging the last two characters last week it is now time to animate them as well.


Since all of the characters has the same basic movement I will just do the animations for the first character (Hoppy) again.

But with Glidey I have to make a few modifications since he is flat instead of round.



Sticky Walkcycle



Sticky Idle



Sticky jumping and landing. His stick abilitys animation looks the same as when he lands.




Glidey jump.



Glidey walking.



Glideys glide. I had concearns last week but I find that it works.


Now I just have to implement this in to the game engine that we are using and I have little to no experience with working inside Unity.